Reserva Los Cedros, Ecuador


Policha, T. J., and B. A. Roy. 2012. Fungi, plants and pollinators: Sex, disease, & deception. In Biocomlexity of plant-fungal interactions. Edited by D. Southworth. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ.

Policha, T. 2011. Pollination of Dracula: with notes on other Andean Pleurothallids. Mary’s Peak Orchid Society, Corvallis, OR. Nov. 1

Policha, T. 2011. Draculas in the mist: Pollination ecology of mushroom-mimicking orchids. Eugene Natural History Society, Eugene, OR. October 21.

Dentinger, B.T.M., R. Manobanda, T. Policha, J. McAlpine, and B.A. Roy. 2011. Exploitation of mycophilous flies by mushroom-mimicking Dracula orchids. XVI Congress of European Mycologists. Thessaloniki, Greece. Sept. 20.

Policha, T. 2011 From biodynamics to bioliteracy: An ethno-ecological journey. In ‘Stella Natura 2012 Biodynamic Planting Calendar.’ Edited by S. Wildfeuer. Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Kimberton PA.

Policha, T., R. Manobanda, J. McAlpine, B. Dentinger, B. Roy. Pollination ecology of mushroom-mimicking Dracula orchids. Botanical Society of America meeting, St. Louis, MO. July 12.

Roy, B. A., S. Güsewell, T. Coulson, W. Blaser, T. Policha, J. Stewart, and K. Blaisdell. 2011. Population regulation by enemies of the grass Brachypodium sylvaticum: demography in native and invaded ranges. Ecology 92:3, 665-675.

Policha, T. 2011. Plantas de Mindo: Una guia del bosque nublado del Choco Andino / Plants of Mindo: A guide to the cloud forest of the Andean Choco. 184pp. American Herbal Dispensary Press, Eugene, OR.
Policha, T., B. Dentinger, A. Troya, R. Manobanda, F. Bechtolsheim, J. McAlpine, B. Roy. 2010. Evidence for Mimicry in the Pollination of Dracula Orchids. International Congress of Dipterology VII. San Jose, Costa Rica. Aug. 12.

Policha, T., B. Dentinger, R. Manobanda, J. McAlpine, B. Roy. 2010. Evidence for Mimicry in the Pollination of Dracula Orchids. Poster at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, Portland OR.

Policha, T. 2010. Cuando flores parece como hongos: La ecología de la la polinización de las orquídeas Drácula. Talk at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Quito, Ecuador.

Roy, B.A.*, Dentinger, B.T.M.*, T. Policha, T.S. Jenkinson, and R. Manobanda. 2008. Testing the hypothesis of mushroom mimicry for Dracula felix orchids. Ecological Society of America and Mycological Society of America meetings. *equally contributing authors

Policha, T. 2007. Native plants & permaculture: a call for stewardship. NPSO Bulletin. 40(9): 94-95.

Filhart, S. & T. Policha. 2006. Plant of the year: Oregon grape (Berberis aquifolium), our state flower. Kalmiopsis. 13: 32-36.

Policha, T. 2006. Rewilding the garden: Towards a contemporary ethnobotany. Permaculture News.

Policha, T. 2005. Deserts alive! NPSO Bulletin. 38 (5): 52.

Policha, T. 2004. More than a pigment of the imagination. In Good Tilth. 15 (6): 1 & 11.

Policha, T. 2003. Mexican plants, places & people. In Good Tilth. 14 (6): 12-13.

Policha, T. 2002. Ecological restoration redefines human role in the environment. In Good Tilth. 13 (6): 7.

Policha, T. 2001. Keyline irrigation: Protect keypoint watersheds. In Good Tilth. 12 (4): 6-7.

Policha, T. 2001. The alchemist and the cosmos: the artistic spirit of biodynamics: a converstion with Dennis Klocek. In Good Tilth. 12 (2): 8-9.

Policha, T. 2000. Food not lawns! Green Anarchy.